Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I am not growing old.......just different

I am presently 63. I am overweight, out of shape, not stupid yet, unemployed, frustrated, ticked off, broke, antsy, and in the mood to talk. One of the things I am going to talk about is what is left for the 50 and up group of women who, I think, are pretty much ignored by magazines, the fashion industry, and the society in general. Of course, if I had a lot of money, I might be able to buy attention. But in general, my status as unemployed makes me not such a good attention-getter.

First problem- Fashion. I would love to have cool clothes. I would love to look a little sexy. My former self did have sexy times and sexy looks. But I am having a hard time figuring out what a 63 year old overweight sexy woman looks like. What does she wear? How does she put outfits together to look current without looking like a teen wannabe. Where do the clothes exist? Is there a book out there that says anything about older women? So far I have noticed that the fashion mags talk about age sparingly. There is MORE. It is for "older" women. Over 40 women. Not heavy women or over 60 women. We usually have to look really thin to even make it into another magazine. There is one fashion mag that shows an outfit if you are 70+. But I would have to pay a thousand dollars and look like Lee Radziwill(80 lbs) to carry it off. She is often a model for those entries. I want some books for my age and size groups. Some magazines showing real women in nice outfits, looking good, and having fun. I would like to see more opportunities for older women to get involved in fun fashionable activities. Places to go, people to see. I especially would like to see women who are underfunded find some really interesting things to do. To that end, I have begun a blog that I am going to try to turn into a place for women to offer suggestions and photos, and activities to enrich our lives. I am mainly speaking to women at this point. I would love to hear from men of all ages also. I am an equal opportunity listener.

The days ahead might be a bit wobbly and not so nice to read but I am going to try to be upbeat about my situation. I am looking into ways to make things to sell. I am trying to figure out ways to start to exercise when I am a certified couch potato.
I will be sharing fashions, recipes, health items, exercise(groan), beauty, bargains,activities, and anything else I can think of with anyone who will listen. Hope to see you.

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