Thursday, November 22, 2012

Less Stress is a gift

Holiday Stress. Since becoming an adult it has been a joy killer every year. There are some ways to change that. When I was younger, I was busy cooking and entertaining family and though I loved it, I did stress over it. Now there isn't any more family to feed and I'm stressing about what I don't have. What a catch-22. So I checked out possible aids to joy. Here from MSN Healthy Living are:

  • Find support. People facing difficult family situations should set aside time to spend with their friends. Those who feel isolated or alone should take advantage of resources in their community or volunteer their time at a local charity.
  • Get some alone time. Even a 15-minute break can help you relax and relieve stress. Taking a brisk walk or getting some exercise can significantly improve your mood.
  • Set limits. You can't do everything, so do only what you enjoy. Allow friends and family members to share their ideas about what they would like to do during the holidays.
  • Reduce shopping stress. Set a budget and do not spend more than you intend. Don't let guilt, competitiveness or perfectionism send you on more shopping excursions than you would like.
  • Enlist help. Let your friends and family contribute to the holiday preparations.
  • Be realistic. Don't set your holiday expectations too high. Allow your loved ones to be themselves and set any conflicts aside for another time.
  • Reflect on the past. Honor and remember loved ones who have passed away.
  • Be organized. Plan meals, shopping lists and other activities in advance so you have more time to enjoy the holidays.
  • Remember what's important. Spend some time focusing on family, religious beliefs or traditions. 
I'm sure there are some others that people use. I'm going for a walk in the woods this weekend. Nature always helps me. Let's have a good, safe Holiday Season.


  1. Judy, thanks for the tips. Sometimes we forget the things that should be obvious. Nature helps me too.

  2. I am with the Debbi. It is all so obvious and yet every year I get stressed. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Walking is a good way to de-stress. The holidays can be super hectic. Ive found if I do a little Christmas shopping here and there throughout the year and I find that has helped a lot (I hate shopping in the crowds and craziness during December).
